S.W.A.G = Something We All Got

I got S.W.A.G. You got a problem with that??

I know that Hari Sukan was ages ago (25 March)... but I just have to upload the pictures!!
>.< hehe

"SELAMAT DATANG" to Kelana Jaya Stadium ")

it says, "STADIUM PETALING JAYA" on the seats =)

It was bright that day ( perhaps a bit to bright)
I love this pcture !!

The St.Johns...

Red house getting ready...that boy (khai hann) is so weird in his getup

getting ready...

on your mark... get set... GO !!

and they're off...

now the persatuans are getting ready...

this is my best friend Yin Ying. She joined St.John too ^^
Took this picture when I was on duty for St. John

hehe^^ This is my friend Xuan Qi =)

St.John was so busy that day... quite a lot of people fainted because of the hot sun =(

Teacher getting ready to run... hehe^^ So funny

Quantum Masters...

These are my best friend, Chien Yi and Kah Yan who took the pictures while I was on duty ^^

=) hehe

Conclusion : Sun too hot. A lot of people faint. Skin got darker. Sweat a lot. Lots of work for
St.John.. THE END !

Signing off,
Miss Music Maniac

What a nice day to take report cards... don't u agree??

As u can see, the line to register for form 1 is very long...
As for form 1, 2, 3 and 4, it's very short =(

My classroom ^^
I sit on the 2nd row

This is my table =) got my name on it somemore...

This is one of the assignments that teacher ask us to to in class.
The boys did a great job =)

I am most proud of our birthday corner. Because it was done by me and my 2 best friends.

My other best friend, Chien Yi, took this picture in a hurry.
That's why my other best friend, Kah Yan and I look SO weird...

This morning, around 9, my cat and my dad woke me up so that I can enjoy McDonald's hotcakes with syrup after a horrible rain this morning.

Around 10, we arrived at SS2 McDonald's. I had hotcakes, coffee and hashbrown. I thought that hashbrowns usually tasted horrible but the hashbrown in McDonald's tasted terrific. Drank 2 cups of coffee with my dad and brother. My dad loves the coffee so he recommended me to try it. The coffee is splendid. But must add 2 packets of sugar and 1 packet of creamer to suit my taste. It was my first time to have breakfast in McDonald's.

After that, it's off to 1 Utama to catch How To Train Your Dragon in cinemas. The movie was so nice and exciting. The dragon called Night Fury a.k.a Toothless is so cute !! Hiccup is a young and skinny Viking. His dad wanted him to kill a dragon but he is so puny that he can't even lift up an axe, let alone kill a dragon. Then one day, he became friends with Toothless ( named by Hiccup). Then blah blah blah.... he lost a leg. Just kidding. But seriously, he did lost a leg while trying to kill the biggest and fattest dragon. The biggest dragon was so ugly !! But overall, that movie was worth watching.

Then after the movie, we went to Lameeya. After that, we wanted to play bowling. But it was full =(

Signing off,
Miss Music Maniac

Can't stand the projects that the teachers have been piling on me !! There's so many of them !! Plus I have tuition homework and St.John exam. Not to mention tons of homework to do!!

How can one stand them??

Geography project, civic project, history project, english project... haiz...

Hope to finish all of them =)

Signing off,
Miss Music Maniac

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Hi. I am just a sweet and bubbly girl who is surrounded by great people. I am also surrounded by MUSIC ! I just love music. I like to sing to all my favorite songs during my free time ^^ Besides that, I love to read. My favorite books are Harry Potter.

I hope you will find my blog interesting ^^ Have a great day!!