S.W.A.G = Something We All Got

I got S.W.A.G. You got a problem with that??

A day of relaxation has come !! Yay! Been thinking and worrying about this day for at least 2 months!

When we first arrived at 1 Utama, Kah Yan and I immediately walked to GSC that is located on the 4th floor. I almost jogged all the way there. It was 10.30am at that time. Because we want to buy the tickets for 7 people for Twilight Saga New Moon. When we reached there, there were quite a lot of people lining up. At last, it's our turn. We saw the seats that are available and we chose the 5th row from the screen. Because almost all the seats has been taken. Argh !!

After buying the tickets, Daniel came first. Then Tung Shiang. After telling them that Joshua and Brandon will be coming at 1, their jaws just fell. Just kidding. After that, Kah Yan and I went on a little shopping spree. I've gotten myself a pair of slippers from Wild Channel. Kah Yan bought a bag from Tropicana Life. Actually, Tropicana Life and Wild Channel are the same company. After that, we went to Padini to take a look at clothes. Then we went to Kitshen. Tung Shiang called me to ask me where am I. I replied, " In Kitschen." He said, " Where?" I got a bit fed up and told him to meet me near Cold Storage. We met each other in less than 5 minutes.

After that, we walked around to find the best place to have our lunch. We walked all the way to Sticky and we started taking pictures of the hardworking people that makes sweets! There were tons of people snapping pictures. So crowded !! Then we continue walking and walking and walking till we reached new wing and I decided to take them to Camp 5 located on the 5th floor of 1 Utama to have a look. There were some people scaling the wall that is really, really high. Those who are not afraid of heights can try it. But it will cost you. Seriously. Moving along. After we've done, we went to Upper Roof of 1 Utama. The Secret Garden is located there ^^ They have many beautiful plants planted there. From Orchids to flowers that I can't remember the names. Sorry. You will just have to go and see for yourself. Suddenly, Joshua called me around 12pm using the handphone. I told him to meet me in Secret Garden and he said where. Then I told him that we will meet him near Big Apple Doughnuts. After that conversation, we all went down again. They didn't know who is Joshua and what he looks like because they didn't see him before. Only I have. Joshua didn't saw me when I was near A&W. He went all the way near Wind Dancer. I had to call him to grab his attention but that didn't work. So I ran after him and tapped on his shoulder.

Then we walked all the way to Old Wing and I just got an idea. Why not eat at Seoul Garden? Seoul Garden is a Korean Buffet located in 1 Utama Old Wing near One World Hotel. It's quite cheap for a buffet. Only RM 25 ++. If plus drinks, RM 30++. Other places will be around RM 50++. Cheap right? A perfect place for people with big stomachs. Originally, we want to eat at Sushi Zanmai but there's so many people. Because the food is cheap and nice. Argh ! Never mind, Korean food is nice too. After we went to toilet at One World Hotel, we straight to Seoul Garden to have lunch. After paying Rm100 ++ for 5 people, we went to our tables and then went to take our food. We chose Kimchi as the soup base. Joshua said it wasn't nice. He tried better ones before. He said the best Kimchi is in Ampang Village. Not so sure where is it but I will try to find it, someday.

We are still at the restaurant by 2pm. The movie is starting soon but we just kept on eating. Until it's 2.o5, then we panicked ! We left the restaurant as fast as we can and we walked quickly to GSC which is located in New Wing !! We walked from Old Wing to New Wing !! So tiring !! When we entered the cinema hall, the movie started. We missed the beginning part of the movie =( The place was so dark at that time that I couldn't find our seats. Luckily Joshua helped me. We found our seats and we sat down and enjoyed the rest of the movie. Kah Yan and Natalie laughed while watching the movie because they said the movie was so funny. I laughed a little too. I sat right next to Joshua while Kah Yan sat next to me. Joshua said that the movie was a little weird. But I saw him yawning throughout the whole movie. The ending was terrible. Stupid ending....

After the movie, we proceed to the bowling alley. They want to play Foosball first, so I went to the counter to pay. We played 3 rounds. The girls lose badly to the boys =( after playing, we decided to play bowling. Each of us have to pay RM8. Natalie doesn't want to play because she will be going home soon. She just joined us for the movie only. After taking our rented bowling shoes, we started playing. Unfortunately, the machine spoil at the starting of the game. Then I had to call the guy to fix it. The machine worked again. Yay ! Suddenly Brandon SMSed me to ask me where am I. After replying him, he came over to join us. He was late because he had football practice. Natalie went back earlier. By the end of the day, guess who won? Joshua is the winner. The loser that had to buy us ice-cream was Daniel ! He only scored 10 points. After giving the money to Kah Yan, he went off.

Later on, with ice-cream in our hands, we walked to Petsmore located near Cold Storage. The dogs were so cute ! At 6.20, Kah Yan called her mum. She told me that we(Kah Yan and I) have to meet up with her mum in Jusco Supermarket. Joshua have to go to Popular to buy something. So he walked with us. Brandon and Tung Shiang just tag along.

So this is where we must say good bye. GOOD BYE ! ^^ hope that you enjoyed reading it.

Signing off,
Miss Music Maniac

This is Kah Yan smiling ^^ she's quite happy to watch Twilight Saga New

After that, Kah Yan, Tung Shiang, Daniel and I went to Sticky to have a look. There were tons of people during at that time.

People were looking at those hard working rock candy makers. The long white thing is very hot because they need to be soft so they can pull to make it into rock candy ! YUM ^^

After that, we went to Camp 5 !! The place is so big. The wall is so high too. Wish i can go there someday...

( sorry for the blur picture)

We went to Secret Garden. Very "secret" huh~

( sorry for the blur picture, again)

This is Tung Shiang. He is very camera shy...

This picture was taken in Secret Garden. Nice right?? I think I can see my house from there...

This is me posing ^^ I like this shady place. So nice...

This is our lunch. We went to Seoul Garden, located near One World Hotel, to have lunch. It is a Korean Buffet Restaurant. We ordered Kimchi soup.

This is Daniel and Joshua. They really enjoy eating. Just look at them ! Just kidding ^^

Kah Yan's turn ! GO KAH YAN!!

The Bowling Alley @ 1u....
the machines there are kinda spoil....

This is Daniel... Dunno what is he doing....

This is Joshua. He is good in almost everything ^^

Bowling result ~~
1st - Joshua Lee
2nd - Alyssa Chuah
3rd - Chee Tung Shiang
4th- Liew Kah Yan
5th- Daniel Chew

Ever heard of a vampire falling in love with a human? 13 years ago, if u told me that, I won't believe it. Now? Yes !! Here is a little summarized version of twilight ! Enjoy !


Bella, a girl whose parents are divorce came to live with her dad in Forks, a small quiet town where it rains all the time. Originally, she stayed with her mum, Renee, in Phoenix but she wanted to live with her dad, Charlie. When she attend school later on, she met a few people and they know her earlier because her dad is a policemen in that area. During recess, Jessica told Bella about the Cullens and their weird behavior. During Biology, the teacher assign her to work with her partner, Edward Cullen. As you can see in the movie, he is very pale and this makes Bella a little scared. When the bell rung, Edward was the first to leave the class. On the next day, the sun shone brightly. Edward didn't went to school. Bella wants to talk to him. But she didn't get a chance.

When she got home from school, her dad's friend, Billy Black, came over to visit Charlie. Billy was Jacob's dad. Bella and Jacob known each other since they were kids. Jacob is in love with Bella but Bella doesn't know that. She treats Jacob as her best friend. After that, Jacob tells Bella about the old legends about the cold ones (vampires) and how his grandfather fought them and such. He also said that there was a treaty involve. Whoever passes their territory, will be attacked or something like that. After that, she went online to find out more about the legends Jacob told her about. She then went to one website where there's a bookshop which sells books about this legend. So she went there to get it.

After she got her book, she wanted to go back but there's 2 men blocking her path and started to harass her. She got scared and cried for help. Edward heard her and saved her. Edward wanted to take her to have something to eat. She soon bump into her friends and said sorry for leaving them earlier at the dress shop where they were choosing their gowns for the prom. She got curious when Edward didn't order anything to eat or drink. Later on, she went online to learn more about the legends in detail. She know that the "cold ones" are known in some countries. Vampires with cold skin, never sleeps or eat, drinks blood, pale skin and their skin will shine when the sunshine touches their skin.

The next day, Bella confronts Edward in the forest. She ask him. "How old are you?" He answered, "17". " How long have you been 17?". "A while." , he said. She knows that he is a vampire when she ask him that. He showed her his true self when he went to the light. After that, Edward fell in love with her and vice versa.

A few days later, he brought her to his house show her to his family. His family consist of Carlisle, Esme, Rosalie, Emmet, Alice and Jasper. They are not really his family, though. Carlisle is a brilliant doctor who is also a vampire. But he controls himself when he sees blood. Alice can see the future which is a very useful gift. Edward brought her to his room and then takes her on a ride through the window. Edward comes to Bella's room every night to see her. But she doesn't know that.

A few days later, Edward invite Bella to play baseball with the whole family. Bella agreed. But they have to play during thunderstorm. When they were playing halfway, James, Laurent and Victoria came. These are the bad vampires. They smelled Bella's scent and they wanted to attack her. But luckily, Laurent is quite negotiable. But James isn't. He wanted her blood. Edward took Bella away from James. He took her back to her house to pack her things. Then they stayed in a hotel. Far from Forks. James called Bella through the hotel phone. He said that he got her mother and if she doesn't come to the Ballet Studio, he will hurt her mother. But the sound she heard wasn't her mother's voice. It's just a recording.

James tricked her into coming to the Ballet Studio. After James hurt Bella, Edward came to save her, again. Edward brought the whole family do kill James. They tore him apart then set him on fire. That's the only way to kill a vampire. James has bitten Bella on her arm. Bella was yelling and twisting on the floor. Carlisle tried to save her. But he ask Edward if he can suck the venom out from her. He did it and Bella was ok.

After that, Bella landed in the hospital because she has some broken bones. Once she was cured, Edward took her to the prom. The place where Bella doesn't want to go because she isn't good at dancing. They danced... and the story ends with a kiss from Edward.


Hope you enjoyed the story ^^

Signing off,
Miss Music Maniac

It was on November 21st when I discovered this fabulous shop called Sticky. A candy shop. It was so crowded at that time because they made the candy right in front of you !! The candy that sold there was hand-made. There were tons of different flavors to choose from. From lemon to Raspberry flavor. But all of them shared one similarity... They are all Rock Candy !!

It is located near Bead Box in 1 Utama that is located in Bandar Utama. Small bottles cost around RM 13.50 while bigger bottles cost around RM 19.50. Big chunks are also available to your liking but I won't recommend that because it is so hard to break it !! It cost around RM 8 i think. Whole lot cheaper though, but hard to break it. Unless you use a hammer ^^ just kidding. Maybe it'll work... who knows.

They are 2 layers I think... Outside is where the flavor really strikes out while the middle brings the sweetness that just melts on your tongue. YUM !! You could also ask a sample of it.


Outing with friends is a day to relax, enjoy and just be yourself. No need to pull crazy stunts just to impress your friends or all the fancy dress up... NO ! All you have to do is just enjoy...NOT!

This is what happened on that day...
I got up early on that day. Running all over the house like a maniac after breakfast to look for my handphone, wallet, necklace and so on... I was planning to buy a tons of things to get ready for Christmas plus it was after the exams so i treat myself by buying clothes and shoes ^^ By 10 am, I was ready to go to my friend's house to wait for my other friends. There were 5 of us altogether. I soon realize that I wasn't the first to arrive as my other friend, natalie was there too. So we sat down and chat with the owner of the house and best friend, Kah Yan. After what seemed to be a few minutes, Yin Ying came ringing on Kah Yan's doorbell. She stood there in blue shirt and jeans looking nice and ready to go shopping. Later on, Mun Kay arrive wearing that awful gray shirt and pants which looked like pants which is wore in the house... A-W-F-U-L!! There's no other word to describe it better than Simon Cowell would say. "It was absolutely atrocious."

After that, Kah Yan's mum drove all 5 of us to 1 Utama which is located in Bandar Utama. It wasn't like shopping heaven for all 5 of us!! We went to Sushi Zanmai first to have lunch together. The food was OK for me as I already had my breakfast at home. The price is quite cheap compare to other Japanese restaurants. Then we decided to take some pictures while waiting for our food to arrive. Natalie ordered Sushi as well. Mun Kay ordered sushi too. So when she was ordering her food, Natalie and I thought that she was ordering for us too. I asked her and she said, " No..." Which is quite rude for me. At least order for us too. After that we head on to different types of shops, like Nike, Mac City, Wind Dancer and so on...

The trip wasn't a happy one for any of us because Mun Kay( monkey) was present ! She is really a pain on the butt and neck because she always has to cling to us like glue by holding our arms. She thinks she is so adorable and smart. But I DON'T THINK SO !! HATE HER ! My friends all think the same as me. She is so pathetic. We all ignore her these days due to her annoying attitude. We even ignore her in school and she still doesn't know we hate her. My 4 friends and I thought that maybe she will tell her mum or curse us or something like that. I don't even know where to begin if I want to describe her !

Anyway, back to the story...
After that, we went to some boutique to try on some clothes. We went to Pink Evil Fashion Market just to see if the clothes there are nice. We soon agree to try on 1 outfit. Mun Kay picked the same outfit as mine. When i tried it on, I thought that it feels a bit loose while MK looks like she wore a sack over her. IT WAS SO LOOSE !! Kah Yan and Yin Ying looks lovely in their outfit.

Later on, we went to Kitschen which is located near Voir. The clothes there are nice and quite affordable. I bought my outfit early because I went there a few weeks ago with Kah Yan. All my friends chose an outfit and start trying them out. Mun Kay has to try on a black long sleeve dress with a small pink jacket. She looks like a skeleton for crying out loud! She asked us how does she look. In order to not hurt her feelings, we said, "OK lah." But actual fact, it wasn't. Yin Ying and Kah Yan each chose an outfit too. It looked perfect on them. Natalie bought a black short dress. She love it so much that she wanted to wear it to Brandon's birthday party.

We went to Romp too. I just love the clothes there, so cheap and nice. I tried on a white long sleeved shirt. It fits me perfectly. But i don't want to buy it too soon. MK decided to try the same thing. When she came out of the dressing room, she looks extremely skinny! She thinks that it looks nice on her. But the rest of us thought the opposite. When she went in to change, we all whispered outside the dressing room saying that it doesn't fit her nicely. If you had been there, you would had seen that there was excess space in that sleeve. I mean, the sleeve was so tight for me. But it was so loose for her.

We also went to Body Glove too. We just went there to see the outfits there. Then when I asked the sales girl, she said that all the things sold there was half priced ! Woohoo! Then we started taking some clothes of the shelf and trying them on. As there is only 2 changing room , MK and Yin Ying took some pictures outside the changing room while I went to see more clothes. Then when I went to meet MK, she said, "Lets take a picture together with Yin Ying." I said, "OK." Then when I logged on to Facebook a few days later, she said that Syuen Lee just had to come in. I was so pissed off after that. I mean, what the hell? She asked me to take a picture with her and I said OK and she made me sound like I was the bad one...

After that long and tired day, we went to Oriental Cravings to rest and eat. We ordered Chendol, fried glass noodles and Char Kuey Teow. It was so nice. When we wanted to pay the bill, we counted how much have we got to pay. MK keep saying that Yin Ying should pay all the tax. How could she? Yin Ying only ate fried glass noodles and Char Kuey Teow. She shouldn't pay extra.

Later on, we went to our last stop, that is, DC Tribe, to buy shoes. MK chose a pair of black shoes. Yin Ying chose a pair of bright blue platform shoes, which we all thought was lovely. That pair of shoes only cost RM20 ! I chose a pair of white shoes with a slight heel. I wanted to buy it to wear it for occasions. Mun Kay's shoes was hideous. It looked like a pair of black rubber shoes and she loves it. She has no taste at all.

That's the end of An Outing with Friends on November 8. Hope you enjoyed my story.

Signing off,
Miss Music Maniac

Taylor Alison Swift (born December 13, 1989) is an American country pop singer-songwriter, guitarist and actress. In 2006, she released her debut single "Tim McGraw", which preceded the release of her self-titled debut album. Taylor Swift produced five hit singles on the Billboard Hot Country Songs charts and has been certified 3× Multi-Platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America.

Swift released her second album, Fearless, in November 2008. According to Nielsen SoundScan, Swift is the highest-selling artist of 2008 in the United States with combined sales of more than four million albums. Swift's Fearless and her self-titled album finished 2008 at number three and number six respectively, with sales of 2.1 and 1.5 million. Fearless has topped the Billboard 200 in 11 non-consecutive weeks, a feat no album has spent more time at number one since 1999-2000. With combined singles from her two albums, she is one of the two females with the most top 40 hits this decade. According to the 2009 issue of Forbes, Swift is ranked as the 69th most powerful celebrity with over $18 million in earnings this year.

The origin of music is not known as it occurred prior to the advent of recorded history. Some suggest that the origin of music likely stems from naturally occurring patterns, repetition and rhythms. Human music may echo these phenomena using patterns, repetition and tonality. Even today, some cultures have certain instances of their music intending to imitate natural sounds. In some instances, this feature is related to shamanistic beliefs or practice. It may also serve entertainment (game)or practical (luring animals in hunt) functions.

Even aside from the bird song, monkeys have been witnessed to beat on hollow logs. Although this might serve some purpose of territorialism, it suggests a degree of creativity and seems to incorporate a call and response dialogue.

It is possible that the first musical instrument was the human voice itself, which can make a vast array of sounds, from singing, humming and whistling through to clicking, coughing and yawning. (See Darwin's Origin of Species on music & speech.) The oldest known Neanderthal hyoid bone with the modern human form has been dated to be 60,000 years old, predating the oldest known bone flute by 25,000 years; but since both artifacts are unique the true chronology may date back much further.

Most likely the first rhythm instruments or percussion instruments involved the clapping of hands, stones hit together, or other things that are useful to create rhythm and indeed there are examples of musical instruments which date back as far as the paleolithic, although there is some ambiguity over archaeological finds which can be variously interpreted as either musical or non-musical instruments/tools. Examples of paleolithic objects which are considered unambiguously musical are bone flutes or pipes; paleolithic finds which are open to interpretation are pierced phalanges (usually interpreted as "phalangeal whistles"), objects interpreted as Bullroarers, and rasps.

Music can be theoretically traced to prior to the Oldowan era of the Paleolithic age, the anthropological and archeological designation suggests that music first arose (amongst humans) when stone tools first began to be used by hominids. The noises produced by work such as pounding seed and roots into meal is a likely source of rhythm created by early humans. Prehistoric music varies greatly in style, function, general relation to culture, and complexity. The Timbila music of the Chopi is considered one of the most complex preliterate musics.

I hope you will find this useful =)

Signing Off,
Miss Music Maniac

Mince Chicken*
A pinch of Sugar
1 or 2 Tablespoons of Chili Bean Sauce
Ginger (finely chop)
Garlic (finely chop)
Sesame seed oil
Black Pepper
Corn Flour solution (1 small cup)
1 cup of water
Black soy sauce

* All depends on how much u want*

1. Fry Ginger and Garlic. Add Chili Bean Sauce once they are golden.
2. Add mince chicken and black pepper.
3. Add 1 cup of water. Let it simmer. Add mushroom.
4. Add tofu and sugar.
5. Add some water and stir a bit.
6. Towards end, add sesame seed oil and black soy sauce. Lastly add corn flour solution

Have you ever wondered if there's actually a couple with the same name? Or have you ever watched Twilight and listen to Love Story at the same time? Now you do.

Rumors has it that Taylor Lautner and Taylor Swift are T-O-G-E-T-H-E-R !! It's really freaking me out! Taylor Lautner,17, a.k.a Jacob Black in Twilight is seeing the Love Story singer, Taylor Swift,19 . Sharing the same name, having successful careers and with cute as a button appeal(for Taylor Swift ONLY), it's Not a match made in Hollywood heaven for me.

I was flipping through the papers after I've gotten back from school and I read an article about the two of them being spotted at Chris Steak House in Beverly Hills. It was stated there that they were chatting happily while enjoying a romantic candlelight dinner.

I ask my friends the next day and they were really shocked to know that they have became a couple. Even i can't believe that! We all love Twilight and enjoy listening to Love Story. But not at the same time for crying out loud !

So as for my friends and I, we are not really happy for them. It goes the same for my cat. Just joking. ^^

Signing off,
Miss Music Maniac

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Hi. I am just a sweet and bubbly girl who is surrounded by great people. I am also surrounded by MUSIC ! I just love music. I like to sing to all my favorite songs during my free time ^^ Besides that, I love to read. My favorite books are Harry Potter.

I hope you will find my blog interesting ^^ Have a great day!!